The Investment Casting process goes back many thousands of years. It would be fair to say that modern industry has perfected the process. Many would say – still perfecting. It competes with other casting processes, but why would a casting buyer choose this, or why would an engineer think of this process over another. I think simply stated and taken right out of “The Investment Casting Handbook” 1995 edited by H.T. Bidwell – Investment Castings provide the following: Near-Net Shapes, Intricate Geometries, Very Accurate Dimensions, Thin Walls, Cored Internal Passageways and fantastic Design Flexibility. Depending on the foundry technology this all leads to Lower Costs, Less Machining, Process Consistency, Wide Alloy Selection, and Reduced Assembly.
I think it is easy to make a case for investment castings since I know that design engineers like the many alloy choices and the option to reduce as much machining as possible. Although not every investment caster is created equal, some have specialties like aerospace while others pour different materials. Make sure of your quality requirements before seeking out a source. Also, it would be great to include the foundry in your initial design work. This way our foundry engineers can assist in making sure the part can be manufactured and eliminate any additional weight or improve on strength requirements. These simple suggestions will help to lower overall costs with components and tooling. So, don’t have a delay of your project because of re-engineering – get the foundry involved early on.
If I can further make a case for an investment casting, I would say we love conversions, or multiple fabricated and welded parts. Why? Depending on what is being done, multiple touches in manufacturing, shipping to different vendors, welding, assembly etc., an investment casting might offer a new and improved design. The product will look smoother and be one solid piece. Definitely a good aesthetic change and maybe an improved performance product. Your customer will like it and you will have not only a better product to offer, but most likely a good cost reduction as well.
Good quality, complexity aesthetic values, taking 2, 3, 4 parts or more and making them into one solid smooth part, reducing your machining – these are good reasons to use this process. So many industries can benefit from this process. Just think Quality and Premium Quality when you think investment casting. At The Casting Company, our goal will be to give you that and more if we can.